You thought I forgot you... It's"Gift-Back and Forward" Change Wednesday
in SustainaClaus' Workshop!
If you ever helped a stranger or friend, This Change Wednesday may be your lucky day!
The State of ConscienceLAND re-connects!
Claim the benefit of helping others
Happy Change Wednesday!
Before you read the full State of ConscienceLAND Newsletter & Commentary - I'd like to share my personal message to all the people who have helped me on my life journey - (please forward this to others you think might have helped me in the past...)
I am truly grateful for the concern, empathy, compassion, care and kindness shown to me throughout the years by old friends, new friends and relative strangers alike.. during this month of September, I hope to re-connect and repay those who have helped me.
I'll close this door on the past this coming November and devote my focus, time and energy to the institute for as long as I last. Please get in touch soon!
Growing need and potential to “Gift-Back and Forward”
With the growing need for, and potential of, ConscienceLAND and the McMaster Institute, and as new supporters begin to contribute, my desire is to “gift back” to those already invested and to “Gift it forward” to the next generation of children and promising youth, (...while I have the means to do so…)
London, 2017
So, if you are one of those many kind people who have made my life journey more interesting and successful through small or grand gestures,
offered shelter,
shared a meal,
looked after a bill
or helped drive my projects and visions forward, in any way,
your kindness and humanity is certainly not forgotten, and my short-term priority is to repay, refund, and help everyone achieve their goals in and out of ConscienceLAND and its programs, within the next two months.
BONUS MOVE - If you have a photo of us together in any circumstance, please share that photo and story publicly OR privately with and get yourself on the special gift list!
**State of ConscienceLAND** Newsletter & Commentary September 2024
Video Capture from 2020 WEF meeting Davos
Have You noticed the world seems to be waking up?
The ConscienceLAND Network Community is about Healing Yourself, Healing our communities, and Healing the Earth.
The worlds' citizens, young and old, are constantly being dragged, seduced or blackmailed into “The Great Game” of empire building since the Pharaohs.'s no longer just 19th century battles between a fading British empire and Russia with their aging,violent leaders.
It's now a PsyOPs battle of Muscular Minds.
The solution to misinformation and malinformation is not censorship, it's discussion, dialogue, debate, more information and Citizens Assemblies in the ConscienceVERSE.
Let the marketplace of ideas decide the truth
For example, the Western allies which included Russia "won" the second world war fighting against fascism, right?. Wake up! How the tables have turned!
(HISTORY WORTHY of NOTE: The British lost all the wars it fought against Russia — the First Anglo-Saxon War (1838), the First Anglo-Sikh War (1843), the Second Anglo-Sikh War (1848) and the Second Anglo-Afghan War (1878). And so, in a nuclear missile hair-trigger world, we should be very, very careful who we threaten and provoke!)
Todays Great Game has a new, moderate, peace-loving player - the common Citizen-Sustainie of ConscienceLAND, slowly recognizing and escaping the matrix, enjoying the substantial borderless ConscienceLARP Live Action Role Playing game for health, happiness, fun and profit!
We’re all implicated in the Great Game now, communicating around the planet, building our own network state empires, hopefully non-aggressively, while maintaining peaceful coexistence between decentralized special interest groups, intentional communities and all our different lifestyle choices.
While the gap between the old-world takers and the new-world givers is ever-increasing, there’s also a realisation that we live on one, relatively small Earth and that we must change our ways and our attitudes if our children are to thrive in the years to come.
As part of the Canadian curriculum, when I was a kid, I read Arthur C. Clarke's "Childhood's End" (in grade 5 or 6, I think) - a novel where "the overlords" essentially kidnapped children's brains, training them with psychic powers and exiling them to another continent, from where they finally destroyed the Earth.
With today's A-I, social media, genocides and environmental crisis, my SustainaClaus alter-ego reflected on the question - who today is protecting and facilitating children's healthy childhoods?
Do YOU have the answer?
I want youth of today to have the same or very similar opportunity to grow up without really knowing stress, (aside from the natural, good kind), in full physical safety, with self directed days and activities, a school environment of great freedom and healthy respect and responsibility, the chance to run barefoot as a kid, invent your own games and forest adventures, drink clean, living water from a well, eat healthy food prepared at home, swim in clean rivers and lakes, breathe clean mountain air, repair the home, clear the snow, maintain the property, fish, harvest or even kill what you end up eating for dinner. Children are incredibly resilient if given the chance to experience consequences. - Philip McMaster
Childhood Defence Program
Hence, we're now looking for Research Fellows, Collaborators and Coaches to help develop the McMaster Institute's Childhood Defence Program against childhood stress, sickness, toxic technology, tainted food, genocide, slavery, mental and physical exploitation in all cultures on Earth.
If our children are to thrive, we have to help not only the sickest kids in the world - children in the U.S.A. - but children all over the planet to escape a disgusting, predatory system where "The most profitable entity is a sick child" ...according to Children's Defence Fund founder and U.S. Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr in August 2024.
"The most profitable entity is a sick child" ...according to Children's Defence Fund founder and U.S. Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr
Click for more sustainaclausvideos
Unaffiliated, but sympathetic to the cause is SustainaClaus' Childhood Defence Program which will focus on providing parents with the information, tools and techniques to make sure their children have the healthiest childhoods in the ConscienceVERSE.
SustainaClaus and I urge you to help us fund and roll out this strategy around the planet to avoid "Childhoods End" and instead, create the world WE ALL WANT:
Where kids grow up fit, healthy, socialized, intelligent, creative and productive within caring families and communities.
Join in collaboration with the McMaster Institute as a Sustainie, a Coach, or a most respected, Fellow Ambassador. for less than a cup of fancy coffee:
3 Worlds
In the many adventures and discussions I've had this summer of 2024, it seems clear that there are 3 separate worlds evolving (and some devolving) on this wonderful Social, Economic and Environmental planet.
This single planet also has the reality-based problem that we're rapidly consuming the resources of three planets, where we only have one.
1. The old world of the ill named “New World Order”, based on top-down fear mongering and largely evident in, but not contained to the Western Hemisphere is largely:
and elitist.
“We know what’s good for you (Ha!) and you’ll be happy if you obediently follow our technological path to wealth (under an illusion of choice)" ,
Plus, no matter how much money you accumulate, you can never be a member of our ruling club”.
This old world is largely composed of ethnic tribes warring over international borders, resources and status and is running out of places to occupy.
(resulting in a Big Urbanized Wealth Gap based on Paper)
2. The world of BRICS - is a multipolar economic union of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, in an ever-expanding collaboration of powerhouse states incorporating over 40% of Earth’s population.
Controlled largely by authoritarian governments who say:
“We’re in charge of our society, and you’ll be happier if you keep your head down and follow our norms”.
A world with “Softer” more transparent borders with the likes of the Belt and Road Initiative and more based on multipolar intercontinental trade than nationalisms. ( well as sound Economic Stability based on Gold)
Sustainable World Order
For the last decade or so we've witnessed and experienced a newly emerging Sustainable World Order of decentralized, distributed, ISR (Individual Social Responsibility) sub national platforms and Network States.
Feeling the pressure and constraints of collapsing economies and the rise of surveillance capitalism and border walls, people are seeking the freedom to live or do business in self-selected, self-sustaining communities:
living in harmony, neutrality and peace,
promoting a Lifestyle Of Health Happiness And Sustainability,
irrespective of man-made political borders,
but respectful of nature
and inclusive of all humanity and children's futures.
(all while migrating to Crypto/Blockchain economic systems of fairness, transparency and security)
Introducing the Network State Concept, and it’s expression as a citizen of ConscienceLAND
The objective in ConscienceLAND is to **HEAL the Earth** and provide its occupants with new, multiple sources of income and sustenance so that current and future generations can enjoy a Lifestyle Of Health Happiness And Sustainability.
The decentralized, borderless "Network State" has been discussed by Balaji Srinivasan of The Network School citizens of ConscienceLAND are assembling pioneers for an exciting Network State project called Arakis, inspired by the book DUNE by Frank Herbert.
Centralized Top-Down power has clearly not led to peace, harmony or sustainability, in fact, just the opposite.
The reasons and excuses are many, like re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, however in our situation on this planet we have no choice but the Great Re-Imagining of our relationships with:
ownership vs. stewardship,
our cultures,
the food systems,
the medical pharmaceutical complex,
the economic system,
the state and so on.
So, we're adapting the **Network State** to a **Global State of Conscience**,
In addition to the divorced-but-living-together economic model, ConscienceLAND's "Once Upon a Plot" framework creates another "layer" of deeper more meaningful self-sovereignty, independent ID, self-sufficiency and reaping the rewards of
**Healing ourselves,**
**Healing our communities**
**and Healing the Earth.**
Get involved to learn how GaiaPlots, ChatSDG A-I, The Gaia Catalog, NRGwallet and Donut Tokenomics are all related.
Situational Awareness
We see in U.S. politics the candidates are falling over eachother to suggest they know about or would implement decentralized cryptocurrency, universal health care access and a Universal Basic Income.
Why? Because the interconnected, inter-dependent, $U.S. dollar backed global economies are collapsing under their own top-heaviness and corruption and the money counterfeiting, treasury-buying financial Ponzi scheme is peaking/has peaked.
The de-dollarized BRICS countries are moving to gold backed currencies, but trade wars, media propaganda wars, cyber wars and of course youth-killing kinetic wars are hobbling their populations.
One Dark Horse solution emerged with the Blockchain in 2009, currently around 18 billion US dollar market, projected to 825.93 billion by 2032.
The ConscienceLAND “State of Mind” collaborates with all it's supporters including the cyber world:
BuyBit Link : WAGMI - "We're All Gonna Make It!" Cyberdomains:
Valuable Link ONLY for those Experienced in Crypto (BuyBit)
Exclusive Link for Valuable CyberDomain Names (
As a citizen of ConscienceLAND, "Freedom is my Nationality"
In ConscienceLAND, be the Steward of your own block.
Join the authentic ARMS RACE with your own arms (muscular mind, hands and feet!)
Since 2010, the overlords lost their complete control over our thinking, speech, information and financial transactions when social media and the crypto world was delivered into our hands.
The battle lines between personal freedom and consumer enslavment are no longer physical borders between populations and territory, they are digital border controls on Free speech, Freedom Of Information and Data Ownership.
Help fill the Gaia Catalog with Freedom-Friendly products like - decentralised ISP’s , end to end encrypted messaging for personal safety and privacy,
BeBuyBoost your community - use cash when you have it
A-I-Panda and DePIN - Physical Interactions with the Real World
Justifiably, there’s been a lot of hype on how A-I is going to change our world - and when you consider the internal McMasterPlan, our networking, research and collaboration with early players and the stepped-up development of ConscienceLAND, spurred on in 2013 as blockchain changed the peer-to-peer accountability dynamic and then again in 2017 as the re-sparking of A-I began to re-enter the public consciousness.
A-I for Good - Solving the Global Goals with A-I
"Low Bandwidth - High Sensation"
From Benevobots to Sustagents. Decentralised Research at the McMaster Institute is completely devoted to how we leverage existing and evolving technology to undo the social, environmental and economic damage already caused.
Sustainability prone A-I bots and agents will provide citizens of ConscienceLAND with the cutting edge, 1st world advantage of tools to turn things around into peaceful social, environmental and economic thriving.
(NOTE: We're seeking non-ai artists/illustrators/cartoonists and writers for a Sustainies Animation and Children's Book Series - Join up and apply!)
Reality Check
It’s now fall 2024,
wars and genocides are being committed,
propaganda in high gear to “elect” new or shoehorned leaders,
huge labour layoffs,
record rates of depression among youth,
huge voluntary and non-voluntary loss of life among young men,
global institutions being revealed for what they really are,
elderly free speech and human rights advocates being detained and jailed,
families losing their homes,
the protective, sanitized veil is being lifted off so many ugly areas of our lives,
What are the good citizens of ConscienceLAND to do?
Sustainable Sales Force
As a former lecturer in entrepreneurship at two world class universities and presenter at dozens more since, it seems to me almost all business problems boil down to sales.
Governments, companies, corporations, charities, ngos, they all require sales people to make things happen.
They’re called different names, but the function is the same - represent the product or service, match it up with a potential buyer and make a transaction.
In the area of Sustainability, SDG's, CSR, ISR, ESG it's even more difficult to persuade and sell, even though it's clearly needed and required.
ConscienceLAND introduces a desperately needed function in the marketing and sales process - the training and personal development of honest, authentic, committed people who believe in and live the product they’re selling - a Lifestyle Of Health Happiness And Sustainability... not only for the money, but for the security, reputation and Value to Society (V2S).
Everyone in ConscienceLAND tries to Iive and sell sustainable products to the best of their ability and availability.
If you would like to earn as a Citizen of ConscienceLAND, become a Coach teaching the 3HourCourse or an Ambassador leader of the 3DayCourse, simply join asap as a Sustainie, Coach or Ambassador and apply!
If we offered a Sticker Pack (Free to the first 33 people or upgrades to each category) what would you like stickers of?
Heal Yourself, Heal Your Community, Heal the Earth.
Not everyone is currently able to maintain themselves in the new decentralized economy, but as a new Sustainie, we’re here to help you build back your Lifestyle of Health Happiness And Sustainability.
The transition from highly exploitive to more sustainable economies will occur at an individual level, within supportive communities.
As more and more people loose opportunities and jobs to A-!, corporate predatory practices and toxic regimes,
Citizens of ConscienceLAND will be valued in their communities, helping each other to realign their goals toward fitness and health, wisdom and competence, preservation and growth.
Sustainability is not an easy "black and white" metric.
Sustainability is a spectrum from completely unsustainable to perfectly sustainable.
Sustainability is a highly complex subject without clear answers.
All solutions are contextual and the discipline of Sustainability involves systems thinking, deep understanding, hard work, patience and openness. None of which are abundant today.
The SustainOmeter
We look at society today and observe that essentially, you’re either a producer or a consumer.
At the lowest end of the scale, the most selfish, self-centered people are always looking out for #1 (themselves), contributing very little (if anything) and expecting others to serve them because they wave around money.
These are the sheep of the consumer matrix danger zone, where many of us are today.
Trapped in consumer debt.
Chained to unsustainable habits and addictions.
Moving from Consumer to Producer and Conserver
Moving out of the civilizational danger zone, we start to move toward a greener, ecological civilization.
In this transition zone into peaceful progress, people are, at minimum, questioning and waking up from the consumerist delusion that their value is their enslavement to material things or their control over the movement or choices of others.
The middle area of the SustainOmeter is where the major transitional effort is required - a hands-on, heads-up “Situational Awareness” area of “actionism” (taking action, “doing something”)
A more cooperative environment- teaming up with others, making better decisions, generating more sustainable solutions.
We’re all still consumers, but entering the Muscular Mind philosophy of SlowSumpion and LowSumption with friends, family and community, this is where we gain courage to leave the false world matrix and explore the real matrix - Mother Earth - moving toward production and conservation rather than remaining a mindless and destructive consumer.
The 3rd area of the SustainOmeter reflects the ultimate practice.
The decentralized, meaningful freedom of ISR - Individual Social Responsibility - Taking care of those you love,
providing for those you care about
and participating in the health and safety of the community.
Organizing and building everything you touch for quality, health and the long term.
Growing a community of shared principles,
Solving many of the SDG’s.
Sharing knowledge and skill sets with others to pass on through the generations.
Creating a lasting and meaningful legacy of your time on our precious Earth.
Freedom is my Nationality
The 3rd Decentralized World where ConscienceLAND exists is the antidote to the Banksters Wars, the Surveillance State, Forced Digital ID, Medical Mandates, 15 minute Cities, and the now famous "You'll Own Nothing and Be Happy"
Become a subscriber and participant in the McMaster Institute and learn the inside story through the People's Global Goals SDGx.LIVE videos, podcasts, courses and coaching on how to live as a citizen of ConscienceLAND -
off grid living,
urban survival,
network state living,
digital nomad living,
and enjoying a LOHHAS Lifestyle Of Health Happiness And Sustainability.
as a Sustainie, a Coach, or most respected, a Fellow Ambassador.
Please don't forget to send me a reminder of any kindness you've shared with me over the years so that I may pay you back, or pay it forward with your story.
Even if you just have a simple, blurry photo with me, please share and keep in touch at SustainaClaus through gmail. (same as the top of the newsletter)
When it comes to the current state of affairs, we realize "they" have been telling us what their plans are for us, for decades, centuries even... but I think "they" didn't anticipate the power and acceleration of A-I and communally and internationally used social media, virtually destroying walls
So there's still a chance we can peacefully avoid the iceberg, switch off the track to the death camp and extinguish the fires consuming our world.
I'm happy to say the Institute is growing with your various interests and contributions.
My focus now is the holistic environment that children and parents of children are living in today, because if we want to maintain the positive changes being made every day, the youngest generation must grow up in freedom, with respect, care and understanding for others and the environment.
Remember to heal yourself and heal the community and you automatically heal the environment, (but not the other way around!)
Freedom is my Nationality - What's yours?
Join me in ConscienceLAND!
Philip McMaster
aka SustainaClaus / Professor Planet
UNDP/SDG Shenzhen
August 2024 - UNDP SHENZHEN China- Philip McMaster (aka SustainaClaus) sharing the SDGtoken Everest Summit Banner signed by the Nepalese Sherpa, with Mr. MA Weihua, Member of SDG Impact Global Steering Group, the Executive Chairman of China Alliance of Social Value Investment (CASVI) and Former President of China Merchants Bank.
Join this Substack and visit our websites: and SDGx.LIVE